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Amy Brady

Burning Worlds

Today’s conversation is with author Amy Brady and we’re discussing her monthly column Burning Worlds’ - exploring contemporary fiction’s role in addressing issues of Climate Change.


I tend to make the assumptions that if I’m looking for something, if have a particular need to be meet, that I must not be alone! I can’t imagine I’m having too many original thoughts these days. And one of those needs is to feel informed about the world around me without relying on either questionable social media diatribes or committing to reading a 300 page book. (I obviously still read books but I have
abandoned Twitter).

So…What if there was a place, I don’t know…called Chicago Review of Books’ and it had this Editor-in-Chief’ named Amy Brady and she had a monthly column called Burning Worlds’ that explored how contemporary fiction addresses issues of climate change. 

And what if this column had concise written interviews between herself and authors with new books tied to this topic? I’m mean…that would be a great way to way to learn more about how topics of climate change are being framed today and where this might lead us in the future. 

Unfortunately, this doesn’t yet exist. Amy Brady is not a real person and Burning Worlds’ is just a sketch of an idea on someone’s napkin. It’s real shame! But I have hope. 

I don’t want to leave you all hanging, so I took the initiative to call a few Amy Brady’s from the phone book I keep in my kitchen draw. I found this one in New Jersey and surprisingly, she says she already doing all this. I don’t know…I’m a little skeptical, but..I don’t know. Let’s give it a shot! 

Today, of course is a conversation with the REAL Amy Brady.…and she is indeed in New Jersey coming our way via Kansas. 

Amy Brady

Amy writes about arts, culture, and the environment. She is the Deputy Publisher of Guernica magazine and the Editor-in-Chief of the Chicago Review of Books, where she also writes a monthly column called Burning Worlds.” It explores how contemporary fiction addresses issues of climate change. She is also the co-editor of the anthology, House on Fire: Dispatches from a Climate-Changed World, forthcoming 2021 from Catapult. She received her PhD in English from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and has won numerous awards including from the National Science Foundation.

N Ws Episodes 3