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Jo Lindsay Walton

Strange Economics

Today is a conversation with Jo Lindsay Walton and we’re discussing a book called Strange Economics’ which is edited by David F. Shultz.

The book consists of 23 new science fiction pieces written specifically for the book that foreground various types of economic models. Through the lens of economics the stories question fundamental aspects of society and life. In reevaluating what we value’, including how and what we trade as currency, our familiar world is made strange’. This is a phrase (not by me) that you’ll hear several times as we discuss the roles science fiction can play. Some see science fiction as a predictive art while others see it more as a technique to revealing a greater awareness of our present moments

Jo Lindsay Walton

Jo is a guest editor of Strange Economics’ and wrote the afterward for the book. Jo is also co-editor (with Polina Levontin) of Vector, the critical journal of the British Science Fiction Association. Recent essays and fiction appear in Strange Economics, Science Fiction Studies, Big Echo: Critical Science Fiction, Gross Ideas: Tales of Tomorrow’s Architecture, and Economic Science Fictions.

N Ws Episodes 3