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THE END w/ Thoughts For Tomorrow

Final Episode

After eight years and over 100 episodes, the Night White Skies podcast is coming to an end.

NWS Website

The program sought to engage a diverse range of perspectives for a better picture of the scenarios currently unfolding. Guests included philosophers Timothy Morton, and Emanuelle Coccia, architectural authors such as Catherine Ingraham, Fred Scharmen, Sylvia Lavin, Rachel Armstrong, designers like Neil Denari, Rania Ghosn and El Hadi Jazairy, researchers in ethics like Sheila Jasanoff, curators including MOMO’s Paola Antonelli, scientists Adam Frank, and Henry T. Greely, as well as science fiction authors James Bradley and Sherryl Vint and many, many more. If you’re here on Night White Skies, you probably know there is a searchable achieve of all episodes available on this site and it will remain available for the foreseeable future.

In this final episode, I bring together some recurring topics and thoughts over the last eight years of conversations as a means for outlining a course forward, or at the very least, playing out a hunch on work still to be done.

Giant thank you to the guests that took the time to speak with me over the years and to everyone that has listened to the program.

Thanks again!

And until next time!


THE END w/ Thoughts For Tomorrow

The Final Episode

N Ws Episodes 3